Today we’re on to the last of Erin and Andy’s rooms—this excellent little bonus den space. The space was put to frequent enough use as a guest room, but one of our principles at Haven is that we should design our homes toward how they’re used 90% of the time, rather than how they’re used the 10%. To that end, we wanted to make sure this space had a purpose for the majority of the time when there were no guests. Here’s where the space started.
This transformation is one of my favorites. The room is tucked under the attic line, and the sunlight let in by the double skylights makes this room one of the most cheerful in their home. They wanted to be able to take advantage of that to read, relax, and listen to records.
We swapped out the queen bed with a comfortable sleeper sofa, and brought in a lounge chair, a record player, and a TV. This room gets so much more use now, but it still remains an inviting guest space when friends and family visit.

We rounded out the space with quirky accents, memorabilia, and as always, a touch of Phish.
