Do you remember Tosha? About two years ago, she gave us the opportunity to create an office space for her that made room for work, relaxing, crafting, and more. Well congratulations are in order—she just gave birth to her new baby girl! We couldn’t be happier for the new addition.
As the nesting urges were going strong for her in the months before her due date, she reached out to us for help with areas of her home that needed some zhuzhing—the master bedroom, the dining room, and most excitingly, THE NURSERY!
I love designing nurseries. There’s room for more play and whimsy than grown-up spaces usually allow, and that makes them so much fun to work on. Here’s the canvas we started with:

Since they moved in, this room had been intended for a someday nursery, so thankfully it was pretty much a blank canvas! By the time we got started, Tosha had already picked out the crib, changing table, and dresser she wanted in the room, so we had a pretty solid foundation of pieces at the outset. Here’s what we came up with!

Of course, our first stop was finding that perfect gliding rocker for late nights and early mornings. We were able to get a truly excellent one for her from West Elm, which will transition well to another room once it’s no longer needed in the nursery. The palette of pinks and teals gave us room to create a space that feels girly and sweet, yet sophisticated.

Don’t you just love all the nooks and crannies in this room? The large cubby in the corner has the perfect amount of space to tuck the chair out of the way so it doesn’t intrude into the bulk of the bedroom, but it is just begging for fairy lights and fluffy pillows and nights spent up late sneaking a book. It’s a space perfect for building forts as this baby continues to grow into a kiddo.
We can’t wait to show off the master bedroom and dining room in the coming weeks!